Does Egypt respect human rights?

Does Egypt respect human rights? In most cases, the government did not comprehensively investigate allegations of human rights abuses, including most incidents of violence by security forces, contributing to an environment of impunity. Attacks by terrorist organizations and other armed groups resulted in unlawful killings, including in North Sinai.

Do you have to be careful in Egypt?

WATCH FOR PICKPOCKETS AND PURSE-SNATCHERS IN BIG CITIES Egypt is nearly crime-free. Most crime is petty theft, with little violent crime. Still, you need to keep alert when walking through densely populated areas of Cairo or Alexandria, just as you would in other large urban areas around the world.

Can you kiss in public in Egypt?

Intimate behaviour in public (kissing and cuddling) is a no-no, and even holding hands is disapproved of.

Can you wear shorts in Egypt?

Egyptian men do not often wear shorts, but they are perfectly fine for a male tourist to wear. Aside from beachside resort cities, it is not recommended for female tourists to ever wear shorts in Egypt. Before traveling to Egypt for the first time, many travelers ask us what clothes to bring.

Is Egypt expensive for a holiday?

Egypt is relatively easy on the wallet. Compared with places like Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, Egypt is cheaper to visit. Traveling through Egypt is similar in price to traveling through Southeast Asia.

Why is Egypt so cheap?

Although it has long been a good value destination, a massive currency devaluation in recent months, coupled with prices becoming more competitive due to a reduction in Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian and American tourists, has turned Egypt into the bargain of the season — provided you avoid big international brands and ...

Is it illegal to take pictures in Egypt?

Content of the Decree 2720 of 2022, which applies throughout all of the Egyptian territories, allows a person to take personal photos in most public places using all kinds of cameras, including personal video cameras, without prior permission from Egyptian authorities.

Is it safe to go to Egypt right now?

Reconsider travel to Egypt due to terrorism. Exercise increased caution in Egypt due to the Embassy's limited ability to assist dual national U.S.-Egyptian citizens who are arrested or detained. Do not travel to: The Sinai Peninsula (with the exception of travel to Sharm El-Sheikh by air) due to terrorism.

Can you drink in Egypt?

Alcohol in Egypt
As Egypt is a majority Muslim country, many locals abstain from alcohol completely. However, it is possible to find liquor stores and bars in some upmarket neighborhoods, and many hotels and resorts serve alcohol.

What to avoid when traveling to Egypt?

If you decide to travel to Egypt: Stay alert in locations frequented by Westerners. Avoid demonstrations and crowds. Obtain comprehensive medical insurance that includes medical evacuation.