Does Disney allow visible tattoos?

Does Disney allow visible tattoos? According to the Disney cast member handbook, visible tattoos that are no larger than an extended hand are permitted except for any on the face, head, or neck.

Can Disney Princesses have tattoos?

She must not have any visible tattoos. None of the Disney princesses have tattoos, so if the princess-in-training has one or more tattoos, they must not be visible once she is fully dressed in the costume for the princess she is portraying.

What are the hair restrictions for Disney?

Here are the Disney Look guidelines for hairstyles: • Hair should be neatly combed and arranged in a classic, easy-to-maintain style. Extreme styles are not permitted. Hair below shoulder length should be confined if it falls forward over the face or covers the nametag while working.

Why are you not allowed to cosplay at Disney?

Outfits are inspired by characters but use everyday clothes. Disney parks don't allow costumes or masks for anyone 14 or older, except at certain special events. Because the company has its own costumed characters that interact with guests, it doesn't want those likenesses to be misrepresented.

What is Disney employee dress code?

The Disney Look is a classic look that is clean, natural, polished and professional, and avoids “cutting edge” trends or extreme styles. It is designed with our costumed and non-costumed Cast Members in mind.

Can you wear ears in Disney?

Yes, I am happy to share that you are welcome to wear ear hats and headbands and share your Disney style at the theme parks.

How strict is Disney dress code?

Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times. The parks are a casual, family-oriented environment. Ensuring that the parks are family-friendly is an important part of the Disney experience. In that spirit, we ask you to use your discretion and common sense.