Does Denmark have Uber?

Does Denmark have Uber? Uber does not work in Denmark – here's how to get a taxi Uber is not available in Denmark because of national taxi laws, but the city has other app-based taxi services, such as Viggo. It's also possible to hail a cab in the street, especially in front of train stations and nightclubs.

What does Europe use instead of Uber?

Bolt – Bolt is popular all over Europe and is often cheaper than Uber, I've used it in many different countries and always had a good experience. It's one of the top rated taxi apps in Europe. Cabcy – This app has live tracking just like Uber.

Do I need cash in Copenhagen?

Some smaller retailers and many supermarkets are not able to process payments made using an international VISA or MasterCard, so we recommend you to bring cash when visiting places you are not certain of accepting the mayor credit cards.