Does Delaware have a water problem?

Does Delaware have a water problem? Though many humans don't suffer directly from water quality issues within the state, the natural world and all of the services that it provides are greatly impacted. In a report done by the Environmental Integrity Project, 97% of Delaware's waterways were deemed to be polluted.

What happened in Delaware water?

The 2023 Delaware River chemical spill was a failure of equipment that occurred on March 24, 2023 at the Trinseo Altuglas chemical plant in Bristol, Pennsylvania in the United States, which resulted in a leak of between 8,100 and 12,000 gallons of butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, and methyl methacrylate into Otter Creek, ...

Does the Delaware River have snakes?

Within the Upper Delaware Region, snakes are found in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Some snakes, like the Northern Watersnake, prefer aquatic habitats and are often found in slow-moving or standing water with places they can bask in the sun. The Northern Watersnake is commonly seen in and along the river.

Are there bull sharks in the Delaware River?

There are bull shark occasionally in the Delaware river. One was caught in a net in 1908 basically across the river from where the Philly Airport is today.

Why is there a gap in Delaware water?

Delaware Water Gap formed through a process of headward erosion and stream capture. Deformation of the bedrock during Appalachian mountain-building episodes hundreds of millions of years ago created an area of structural weakness in the rock.

What bacteria is in Delaware waters?

Vibrio are bacteria that occur naturally in brackish waters such as the Delaware Bay, the Inland Bays and tributaries, especially during warm weather months.

Who gets drinking water from Delaware River?

The Delaware River Basin provides water to two major U.S. cities: Philadelphia, Pa. and New York City. All of Philadelphia's water comes from the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, and roughly 50% of the water supply for New York City comes from the Delaware River Basin, even though NYC is not in the DRB.

Why is the Delaware River so famous?

However, the most famous fact about the Delaware River is the famous crossing of it by George Washington in 1776 which helped him successfully surprise Hessian troops in New Jersey during the American Revolution.