Does Cuba stamp your passport?

Does Cuba stamp your passport? You may have noticed that a visit to other countries implied a visa stamp on your passport, but this is not valid for Cuba. Your passport will not get stamped upon entry. Only the Tourist Card will receive a Cuba visa stamp, but you need to keep it in your passport at all times.

What happens if a U.S. citizen travels to Cuba?

All American travelers must have a travel license when going to Cuba. The Cuba license is a general license, or a category of authorized travel to Cuba. These categories are defined by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Does Mexico stamp your passport?

Upon arrival, Mexican immigration stamps passports, signs off on the FMM, and returns the FMM to the traveler. Leaving Mexico, the airline collects the FMM as you pass through the airport departure gate. Mexican immigration doesn't participate in the departure, and one's passport is not stamped upon exit.

What country has the coolest passport stamp?

Peru has some of the coolest stamps in our opinion. From the spectacular and remote Rainbow Mountain to Machu Picchu and of course the Nazca Lines further south, there is no shortage of awesome and unique passport stamps in Peru.

Can I ask Cuba not to stamp my passport?

If you wish, make sure the Cuban Customs agent does not stamp your passport by saying ... Yo Soy Americano, No Stampa, Por Favor before you hand him or her your passport. By all accounts there is no issue.

What country does not stamp your passport?

Argentina, Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Macau and Singapore do not stamp passports upon entry nor exit. These countries or regions issue landing slips instead, with the exception of Australia who do not issue any form of physical evidence of entry as a matter of course at the primary line.