Does booking com have a UK office?

Does booking com have a UK office? Take a trip through our new home With over 70 nationalities and 1,300 employees, our Manchester office is's second largest office globally.

Do you get a full refund if you cancel on booking com?

If you cancel within 14 days, you'll get a partial refund based on the time left on your reservation (for example: if your room was booked for two nights, and you cancelled after one night, you'd get 50% back). There are some exceptions, though!

Why not to use booking com? will always take the side of the hotel. reviews are not as real as we thought. Reviews with pay at property bookings can easily be manipulated. uses pressure tactics to get you to book.

Who is the biggest competitor of booking com?

  • Expedia is, without a doubt, the greatest competitor to and its slate of other businesses. ...
  • Airbnb offers the world's largest selection of apartments, which are mostly offered by the owners themselves.