Does Apple charge Uber 30%?

Does Apple charge Uber 30%? As described in the links below, Apple takes 30% of all transactions for In-App Purchases; 30% in the first year and 15% in years thereafter for Subscriptions; but take no fees for items or services that are not used directly within the app (i.e. books, uber rides, clothes, food or other physical products).

What did Uber do to Apple?

To keep Apple from discovering what it was doing, Uber engineers created a faked version of its computer code, without the fingerprinting, which would automatically be shown to anyone who looked at it from the physical location of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., using a technology called geofencing.

Does Apple take cut of Uber?

App Store fees only apply to digital goods and services, so this excludes physical goods, such as ordering on the Amazon app, food from DoorDash deliveries, and tangible services like Uber rides.

Does Spotify pay Apple 30 percent?

Spotify stopped accepting Premium subscriptions via the App Store in 2016 to avoid paying up to a 30 percent commission to Apple for in-app purchases, just under two years after the audio streaming company had introduced the payment system to its platform.

Why is Uber more expensive with Apple Pay?

Apple Pay is free to use, if Uber decides to charge an additional fee, that's on them. Apple Pay is free to use, if Uber decides to charge an additional fee, that's on them.