Does anyone live in Nymphenburg Palace?

Does anyone live in Nymphenburg Palace? Today, Nymphenburg is open to the public but also continues to be a home and chancery for the head of the House of Wittelsbach, currently Franz, Duke of Bavaria.

How many acres is Nymphenburg?

The enormous garden surrounding the Palace, which spreads over 200 hectares (490 acres), has been laid out in different design according to fashions over the years. These days - since the early 19th century - it has followed the English style, and is home to long green lawns, water features, a lake and a canal.

What royal family used Schloss Nymphenburg?

Nymphenburg Palace was extremely popular with the Bavarian rulers as a summer residence. Numerous rulers from the Wittelsbach dynasty added to the interior.

What is the meaning of Nymphenburg Palace?

Schloss Nymphenburg does live up to the meaning behind its name, “Castle of the Nymphs”. To celebrate the birth of their heir Maximilian II Emanuel, the Bavarian ruler Ferdinand Maria had Nymphenburg Palace built in 1664 as a gift to his wife Henriette Adelaide of Savoy.

Who lives at Nymphenburg Palace?

In 1863, the only meeting between Ludwig and Otto von Bismarck was held in Nymphenburg, although they remained connected in a lifelong friendship. Today, Nymphenburg is open to the public but also continues to be a home and chancery for the head of the House of Wittelsbach, currently Franz, Duke of Bavaria.

What is München known for?

The city has several of the largest breweries in Germany and is famous for its beer and its annual Oktoberfest celebration. Munich is a major tourist destination and a convention centre. Book publishing and printing and television production are also important.

Are dogs allowed in Nymphenburg Palace?

Dogs. Dogs and other pets are not allowed in any of the buildings. We cannot offer supervision for animals brought along. Please keep dogs on an lead in the park.