Does ADS-B work in europe?

Does ADS-B work in europe? Certain exemptions to the ADS-B mandate in Europe ended on June 7th, 2023, which means that most aircraft flying in Europe now need to have ADS-B.

Where is ADS-B not required?

You may fly without ADSB under the Class B or Class C shelf provided you remain outside of any Mode C veil. §91.225 tells you where you cannot fly. It says you cannot fly within the lateral boundaries of the Class B or C airspace or above the airspace. It does not say anything about under the shelf.

Do I need a transponder if I have ADS-B?

For aircraft operating at or above FL180 (18,000 feet), you must be equipped with a Mode S-transponder-based ADS-B transmitter. For aircraft operating below 18,000 feet and within U.S. airspace, you must be equipped with either a Mode S transponder with Extended Squitter or a Universal Access Transceiver (UAT).

Is ADS-B required everywhere?

ADS-B is required in Class A, B and C airspace within U.S. domestic airspace and all land mass regions of the U.S. as defined in 14 CFR 1.1 and it includes the states (contiguous and non-contiguous), U.S. possessions, or territories.

Does FlightRadar24 track military?

Websites such as, and aggregate flight data in the United States and abroad using a mix of commercial and citizen-owned sensors that capture the movements of commercial, civilian and military aircraft in real time, 24 hours a day.

Can planes turn off ADS-B?

Per 14 CFR 91.227 and 91.225, each person operating an aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out must operate this equipment in the transmit mode at all times, unless authorized by the FAA or directed by air traffic control (ATC).

Is ADS-B required in all airspace?

You must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace. Any airspace that requires the use of a Transponder, described in 14 CFR 91.215, also requires aircraft to be equipped with a Version 2 ADS-B Out system.

Is ADS-B cheaper than radar?

ADS-B ground stations are significantly cheaper to install and operate compared to primary and secondary radar systems used by air traffic control for aircraft separation and control.

What aircraft are exempt from ADS-B?

The regulation 14 CFR 91.225(e) allows aircraft not certificated with an electrical system, including balloons and gliders, not equipped with ADS-B Out to operate within 30 nautical miles of a Class B primary airport—basically, within its Mode C veil—while remaining outside of any Class B or Class C airspace.

What happens if you fly without ADS-B?

You may fly without ADSB under the Class B or Class C shelf provided you remain outside of any Mode C veil. §91.225 tells you where you cannot fly. It says you cannot fly within the lateral boundaries of the Class B or C airspace or above the airspace.