Does a 3 month baby need a passport UK?
Does a 3 month baby need a passport UK? When does my baby need a passport? From birth, your baby will need a passport for any trip where you leave the UK. Their passport is valid for five years, so it's worth bearing in mind whether any older siblings might need a renewal soon too .
What documents does a 3 month old need to fly?
What documents do I need to fly with my infant? If you're traveling internationally, your baby will need a passport regardless of their age. For domestic travel, it's a good idea to bring a copy of your child's birth certificate in case you need to verify their age and/or your parental status.
Do babies under 2 fly free in Europe?
More often than not, you'll need to pay 10% of the regular fare. This price will be valid until your baby reaches his/her second birthday. This rate does not give you the right to have a separate seat for your child; he or she will fly as a LAP INFANT.
Do babies under 2 fly free internationally?
Lap infant fares on international flights Most international flights allow children under 2 to fly as lap children, but with one big difference — it's usually not 100% free. Typically, if you're flying on a revenue ticket, you must pay the taxes and fees for your lap infant plus, in some cases, 10% of the fare.