Do zookeepers get paid well?

Do zookeepers get paid well? A Zookeeper in your area makes on average $19 per hour, or $0.71 (39.179%) more than the national average hourly salary of $18.01. California ranks number 19 out of 50 states nationwide for Zookeeper salaries.

Do zookeepers work long hours?

Because animals need constant care, food and water, zookeepers might work long or unusual hours, including evenings and weekends. Zookeepers are on their feet often and might have to do physical tasks such as lifting heavy objects, moving cages and cleaning.

Are zookeepers in high demand?

Competition for jobs at zoos is intense despite the low pay and challenging working conditions. There are many more candidates than available positions. Most zookeepers enjoy their work, and turnover is low. The majority of new jobs result from the need to replace workers who leave the field.

Is zookeeper a good career?

Being a zookeeper can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding career paths. With its huge range of responsibilities - including care, observation and training of animals - being a zookeeper has you familiarising yourself with the vast animal kingdom through a demanding job that requires the utmost dedication.

Are zoo workers underpaid?

Zookeepers play a crucial role in modern zoos, but they are often underpaid and underappreciated.

Can you make a living as a zookeeper?

The average salary for a zookeeper is $14.05 per hour , though salaries range from $7.25 to $34.10 per hour. A zookeeper's wages depend on their education and experience. Those with a higher degree and more experience are likely to make a higher salary.

Do zookeepers need math?

Zookeepers have to use math all the time! They have to weigh the animals, see how long they are, measure out the food they eat and much more.

What problems do zookeepers face?

Health and Safety Risks Even an otherwise docile animal may lash out viciously if ill or injured. Serious injuries at petting zoos are less common, but zookeeper and visitors may come down with a serious, life-threatening illness from handling animals or touching fences and railings.

What state pays zookeepers the most?

The five states where Zookeeper jobs get higher salaries in the United States are: District of Columbia, California, New Jersey, Alaska, and Massachusetts. Compared with the average salary of a Zookeeper in the United States, the state of District of Columbia with the highest job income for this job.

Are zookeepers nice to the animals?

Most zoo keepers have a deep and lifelong love for animals and really enjoy providing for their day-to-day care.

Is it hard to find a job as a zookeeper?

However, securing a job in this field can be challenging, as high competition exists for these positions. As a result, you may need to apply for many jobs at multiple zoos before securing the one you want.