Do you tip in London and Paris?

Do you tip in London and Paris? All restaurant prices in France include a 12–15 percent service charge, so locals tip very little, if at all. Across Mediterranean Europe, a 10 percent service charge is ususally built into your bill. If you wish, you can add an extra €1–2 for each person in your party, or about 5 percent.

Should I feel bad for not tipping UK?

Tipping is not expected in Britain the way it is in some other countries; however, for the majority of people tipping in some circumstances is customary as a sign of appreciation. Workers do not officially have to rely on their tips to live, and all staff in the UK must be paid at least the National Minimum Wage.

Do you tip in London hotels?

Unless the waiter or porter is laying the table and setting the dishes out for you, you don't have to tip for room service. In mid-range and chain hotels, you can simply take the tray and say thank you. In 5-star hotels, though, guests often hand over one or two pounds at the door.

Is it customary to tip in the UK?

tipping is more and more common; Americans are accustomed to leaving 20% at minimum, however the most common practice in the UK is to leave between 10 and 12%. In nicer restaurants up to 15% (provided that the service charge is not included) is a good rule of thumb.

Is it rude to leave food on your plate in Paris?

French waiters are trained not to clear plates until every party is finished eating. It is not necessarily rude to leave food on a plate in Paris, but when someone is finished eating, they should place their knife and fork across their plate to indicate to the waiter they are done.

What time do Parisians eat dinner?

Eat at the right hours As for dinner, we're a bit more flexible. We don't eat as late as our Spanish neighbors by any means, but most people won't sit down to dinner before 8 p.m., and in most places, looking for a full dinner after 10:30 p.m. can get complicated, as well.

Is it rude not to tip in Paris?

Tipping is not required in France (although there are a few exceptions). You don't need to tip French waitstaff because they get a living wage and benefits. It is NOT considered rude to tip in France. There is no standard percentage for tips in France.

Is it customary to tip in Paris?

In Paris, the bill in bars and restaurants includes a service charge, so you do not have to leave a tip. However, if you have been satisfied with your meal and the service you are welcome to do so. A tip in general amounts to 5 to 10% of the bill.

How much should you tip in France?

Restaurants. Tipping is not considered etiquette by French people in French restaurants, but if you enjoyed your meal, it's nice to leave 5 - 10%. If you really enjoyed the meal, or plan on returning to the restaurant and want the wait staff to like you, 15% is a generous tip.

Can you drink tap water in Paris?

Yes, tap water in Paris is perfectly safe to drink and is readily available wherever you go, even at public water fountains. As long as taps aren't labeled eau non potable—meaning “not for drinking” in French—everything else is potable. In fact, drinking water from the fountains of Paris has been encouraged.

Is tipping normal in France?

Tipping is not considered etiquette by French people in French restaurants, but if you enjoyed your meal, it's nice to leave 5 - 10%. If you really enjoyed the meal, or plan on returning to the restaurant and want the wait staff to like you, 15% is a generous tip.

Is it rude to not say hello in France?

In France, it's considered rude not to say hello every time you enter a shop or when you first begin a conversation with a local. Brush up on these ten French words or phrases that'll get you beyond bonjour.

What country is it rude to leave a tip?

Japan. Unlike Spain, Japan is a country where you should not tip at all; it's actually offensive. In the majority of Japanese restaurants a bill is not brought to the table. Instead, payment is accepted at the bar, so even trying to leave a tip for the waiter can be tricky.

What is considered rude in Paris?

Don't ask people you've just met personal questions – the French are very private. This means no talking about age, income, marital status, or even what the person did last weekend – these topics are considered quite rude and should be avoided.

Why do people not tip in London?

London restaurants commonly include a 12.5 percent service charge in the bill; if so, it's not necessary to tip at all. (But if the bill in a British restaurant shows no service charge, tip 10–12 percent for good service — a little more than you would on the continent.)

Do I need cash in London?

Do I need to bring cash to the UK? It's a good idea to have small amounts of cash to hand. You may need coins or notes when parking, or require some for tipping. When paying for small items it can also be simpler to hand over a few coins than a card or a banknote.

Is it rude not to tip in Europe?

At bars in Europe, tips are not customary, but leaving change or a few euros is always appreciated, if not expected. For takeaway food or drinks, counter dining, or stand-up service, tips are also not customary.