Do you thank the bus driver in America?

Do you thank the bus driver in America? Does saying thank you upon exiting the bus, drive bus drivers nuts? No it won't. You'll surprise them as no one does but everyone should. Being thoughtful of others and thanking them for their service is good manners which everyone should work on to make this a better place to live in.

Do you thank the bus driver UK?

London is famous for its frostiness – so much so that lots of people feel silly saying 'hello' and 'thank you' to bus drivers in the capital. But it turns out that we should be greeting our dedicated drivers, with a new survey revealing they're happier when passengers are nicer to them.

Do you thank the bus driver in London?

London is famous for its frostiness – so much so that lots of people feel silly saying 'hello' and 'thank you' to bus drivers in the capital. But it turns out that we should be greeting our dedicated drivers, with a new survey revealing they're happier when passengers are nicer to them.

How do you thank someone for transportation?

Thanks so much for arranging my transportation. It was great to have one less thing to worry about this week and not have to mess around with parking a car at the airport. I could really get used to riding around in a town car!

What is the professional word for bus driver?

A bus driver, bus operator, or bus captain is a person who drives buses for a living.

How many people thank the bus driver?

How many people thank the bus driver? At the time of writing, a BuzzFeed poll had found that more than 15,300 people said they thanked the driver – 82% of respondents – while just 8% admitted to alighting in silence.

Do you tell the bus driver where you want to go?

Tell the bus driver where you are going and whether you need a transfer and/or a change card. Transfers are only issued when you pay your fare. If you have any questions for the driver, please ask them when you board the bus.

What is bus etiquette?

Public Transportation Etiquette Offer your seat to elderly or disabled passengers. If the train or bus is crowded, make sure you leave room for people to move around you. Avoid using the phone as much as possible. If you do talk on the phone, try to keep conversations brief and speak quietly.

Are bus drivers happier if passengers say hello?

Passengers who greet bus drivers as they embark or disembark have a small positive impact on drivers' wellbeing, a survey has suggested. A pilot in Hammersmith saw stickers put on some buses to encourage people to say hello or thank you to the driver.

Do you tell the bus driver your destination?

On the Bus. Pay your full fare to your final destination. Tell the bus driver where you are going and whether you need a transfer and/or a change card.

Should I greet the bus driver?

A small survey of 77 drivers suggested a greeting from a passenger was meaningful to them, the researchers said. Of 116 passengers questioned at a bus station, 84% said they believed engaging with the driver had a positive impact, according to the findings.

How can I be respectful on a bus?

The Top Ten Rules of Public Transportation Etiquette
  1. 1.) Let passengers exit first. ...
  2. 2.) Give up your seat if necessary. ...
  3. 3.) Only take up the space you need. ...
  4. 4.) Be prepared to board. ...
  5. 5.) Keep your business to yourself. ...
  6. 6.) Respect transit staff. ...
  7. 7.) Respect the property. ...
  8. 8.)

How do you show appreciation to a school bus driver?

Here are five low-cost ideas (plus a few bonus freebies) you can use to show your appreciation and recognition for school bus drivers.
  1. Show them some love on social media. ...
  2. Create a Traveling Trophy. ...
  3. Give Thanks with Student Notes. ...
  4. Draw for Lunches or Prizes. ...
  5. DIY Snack Gifts.

Do bus drivers like it when people say thank you?

There are those who think saying “Thanks” to your bus driver is ridiculous. And perhaps hearing the word all day starts being monotonous and annoying for some drivers. Others see it as a polite thing to do, especially it's heartfelt. Regardless, it happens, and people do notice it.