Do you need to turn roaming off in Europe?

Do you need to turn roaming off in Europe? The general rule is that as long as you spend more time at home than abroad, or you use your mobile phone more at home than abroad, you can pay your standard domestic prices for your calls, texts and data services when you travel in the EU. This is considered a fair use of roaming services.

Should you keep roaming turned on?

Should data roaming be on or off on iPhone? If you want to stay connected to mobile phone service even if you travel away from your cell carrier's network, data roaming should be switched “on.” But if you want to avoid fees and you're aware of the risks of losing connectivity, then you can turn data roaming to “off.”

Can I use WhatsApp overseas without roaming?

You can use WhatsApp internationally for free with Wi-Fi; depending on your cellular plan, you may incur international charges for using cellular data on WhatsApp. To preclude international data fees, you can turn roaming off on your phone and still use Wi-Fi.