Do you need to shower after onsen?

Do you need to shower after onsen? It depends on the type of onsen, but rinsing yourself off after bathing in an onsen can also weaken the effects of nutrients and other elements in the water. When drying off, try to only wipe off the beads of water. * People with sensitive skin should wash and rinse thoroughly.

Who should avoid onsen?

Avoid bathing in an onsen in the following cases. If you have chronic bronchitis and fever or difficulty in breathing. If you have stable angina and chest pain becomes frequent. Bathing may cause serious problems with dehydration or thrombosis.

Are hot springs hygienic?

Unfortunately, this means not all primitive hot springs are safe to swim in, with many boasting dangerous levels of algae or bacteria. Luckily, these dangerous conditions are rare, and most primitive hot springs undergo natural purifying processes that ensure their clean and safe swimming conditions for visitors.