Do you need to go to college to be a panda nanny?

Do you need to go to college to be a panda nanny? According to China Daily, those who wish to partake in this amazing opportunity -- which pays about $32,000 per year, plus meals, board and the use of an SUV -- should be 22 years old or older, and have writing and photography skills as well as some basic knowledge of pandas.

How much does a panda nanny make per month?

Panda nannies are expected to feed, clean, and look after pandas around-the-clock. The job pays around 2,000 yuan (US$290) per month, less than an average waiter, and is as physically demanding as being a full-time nurse, but it is “happy and meaningful”, according to Zhang.

How to be a panda hugger?

To land this incredible job, you must be at least 22 years old, have a basic knowledge of pandas, be able to write, and know how to take pictures. Job recruiter Ye Mingxin explains, “You need perseverance for this job.

How much do panda nannies make?

Who wouldn't want to cuddle pandas all day long? In China, you can earn a hefty sum of $32,000 annually, or around $26,000, for being a panda nanny. However, this job involves much more than just playing with and feeding the pandas.

Is there a job to take care of pandas?

The care and welfare of pandas kept in captivity is the responsibility of panda nannies, often referred to as panda keepers or panda handlers.

Why do panda nannies wear masks?

There, keepers wear panda costumes sprayed with panda urine and feces to mask their human scent. “It looks so funny on the surface, but it's serious work, too,” Vitale said. The idea is to limit the bears' familiarity with humans as much as possible so that they can be conditioned to survive in the wild.