Do you need to file a flight plan for VFR Vatsim?

Do you need to file a flight plan for VFR Vatsim? Flying VFR on VATSIM is much the same as real world. However, always file a flight plan marking it VFR so that ATC knows that you know what you're doing and not just out there ignoring flight rules. A route of flight is not required and cruise altitude should reflect a VFR altitude. Make sure you squawk 1200.

When must a flight plan be submitted?

Where a flight plan is required, it must be submitted before departure to an air traffic services reporting office or, during flight, transmitted to the appropriate air traffic services unit or air-ground control radio station, unless arrangements have been made for submission of repetitive flight plans (RPLs).

Do VFR flight plans show up on FlightAware?

VFR flight tracking is supported but is subject to the availability of a position source such as radar or ADS-B data. Origin, destination, departure, arrival, and flight plan data may not be available.

How long is a VFR flight plan valid?

A VFR flight plan that is not opened is good for 3 hours, after which it expires, and the pilot must file a new one. Once the pilot reaches or is within sight of their destination, they must call the FSS local to that area and close their VFR flight plan.

Is a flight plan public record?

Flight plans are among the lesser-known public records.

What is required for VFR day?

For VFR flight during the day, the following in- struments and equipment are required: (1) Airspeed indicator. (2) Altimeter. (3) Magnetic direction indicator.

Can you deviate from a VFR flight plan?

A pilot in command may deviate from the planned flight path for reasons such as weather conditions or operational considerations. Such deviations do not relieve the pilot in command of the weather requirements or the requirements for terrain and obstacle clearance contained in this part and in part 91 of this chapter.

Who prepares a flight plan?

A licensed flight dispatcher or flight operations officer is required by law to carry out flight planning and flight watch tasks in many commercial operating environments (e.g., US FAR §121, Canadian regulations).

How long can you leave VATSIM unattended?

For pilots outside of actively controlled airspace, you may leave your connection unattended for no longer than 30 minutes with the following stipulations. You must monitor your flight at all times and make timely contact with appropriate air traffic controllers (ATC).

Can you fly without filing a flight plan?

So, as a general answer, in the U.S., flight at altitudes at and above 18,000 feet (5.49 km) above mean sea level requires a flight plan (an Instrument Flight Rules flight plan - known as IFR) and joyriding/offroading as you put it, is not permitted.

Are flight plans mandatory?

In most countries, flight plans are required for flights under IFR, but may be optional for flying VFR unless crossing international borders. Flight plans are highly recommended, especially when flying over inhospitable areas such as water, as they provide a way of alerting rescuers if the flight is overdue.

Which is better Flightradar24 or FlightAware?

Flightradar24 is the more customizable of the two, and while FlightAware says it tracks more flights, it lacks options like showing planes on the ground. (There's also a third flight-tracking app and website, Planefinder, which looks and feels similar to Flightradar24 and has the same price for the premium version.)