Do you need to carry passport in Turkey?

Do you need to carry passport in Turkey? The law states you must carry them - if you choose not to do so, it is of course up to you. It really is personal choice. I have never carried my passport or visa but that's me. It's the law and whether you choose to abide by the law as you do at home is your choice.

Do I have to carry my passport abroad?

While overseas, carry copies of your passport ID page and foreign visa with you at all times. If your passport is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the nearest embassy or consulate, or at 1-877-487-2778. Learn about travel regulations, local laws, and customs for your destination at

Do hotels in Spain take your passport?

Anyone who is travelling to Spain has been warned not to leave their passport at the reception of their hotel when they check-in. In Spain, hotels are legally bound to register the passport details of the tourist when they arrive.

Can I show my passport at a hotel?

Some hotels will accept a clear copy of your passport page as long as you can prove that it's identical to the original. Even if the manager won't oblige and insists upon keeping the genuine article, you can always carry the copy with you as you explore the destination. Do not write your home address in your passport.

Where should I keep a copy of my passport when traveling?

Tuck a Paper Photocopy of Your Passport into Your Travel Partner's Luggage. This is for those times when internet access isn't so reliable when your passport disappears. Alternatively, you can keep a photocopy in your room safe, and of course keep a copy on your phone.

Should you carry a photocopy of your passport?

Carry a photocopy of your passport in your luggage, in case you lose your real passport or it gets stolen. Carry some other kind of official document, like a driver's license, so if you lose your passport and have to go to your embassy, you have something official to back up your real identity.

What is the 3 month passport rule?

Understanding the 3-Month Passport Validity Rule The 3-month passport validity rule mandates that a passport is valid for up to three months after the anticipated date of arrival. This regulation is in place to prevent illegal residency and guarantee travelers possess legal passports throughout their stay.

Should you carry your passport or leave in hotel?

Leave your passport behind: Your original passport is only mandatory when going through customs or boarding a flight. But away from these situations, you won't need your passport much. So, should you carry your passport with you when leaving the hotel? The answer is no.

Can you put your passport on your phone?

Mobile Passport Control (MPC) allows eligible travelers to submit their travel document, photo, and customs declaration information through a free, secure app on their smartphone or other mobile device.

Should I put my passport in my suitcase?

The bottom line: always, always, always keep your passport on your person or in your personal item — one that will never be gate-checked.

Why won t my passport scan at the airport?

It might not be scanning because: you haven't aligned the NFC reader on your phone with your passport; or. your passport chip might not be working.