Do you need reef-safe sunscreen in Cabo?

Do you need reef-safe sunscreen in Cabo? Using sunscreen in Cabo is essential, especially when swimming. Cabo's sun can be harsh, so you need to give your skin as much protection as possible, even on body parts like your legs and feet, which are underwater when swimming. You need to select a sunscreen that is reef-safe with UVA and UVB protection.

Which country has the strictest sunscreen regulations?

The Republic of Palau Adopts the World's Strictest National Sunscreen Standard –

Why not to swim at Cabo beaches?

Many of Los Cabos' beaches aren't safe to swim on, and entering the water is dangerous. The beaches feature steep ocean-floor drop-offs, strong waves, and harsh undercurrents. These particular beaches are marked with red flags. Never attempt to swim in them, even if you pride yourself on your abilities.

Why are most beaches in Cabo not swimmable?

Because there are a number of places around Cabo where strong undertows, unpredictable tides, and hardy waves make for less than ideal swimming conditions, these places have been red flagged around the community as the Cabo San Lucas beaches you wouldn't want to visit if you're looking to frolic in the water.