Do you need money in your bank account to go to Canada?

Do you need money in your bank account to go to Canada? The border services officer may also ask for proof of funds. You must present a statement of your bank account issued no more than 1 week before your departure for Canada. It must clearly show that you have enough money to support yourself for the first 3 months of your stay in Canada (the equivalent of CAN$2,500).

How much money should I take to Canada for 2 weeks?

It's hard to advise on how much spending money you should budget for as everybody has different tastes and spending habits. A good guideline is between $250 and $300 (Canadian Dollars) per week. Some will find this is more than enough whereas others will use this up in a couple of messy nights in the pub!

What documents do you need to enter Canada?

Entry into Canada: Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry proof of citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card, or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. Children under 16 only need proof of U.S. citizenship.

How much money can I bring to Canada per person?

Anytime you cross the border, you must declare any currency or monetary instruments you have valued at Can$10,000 or more. This amount includes Canadian or foreign currency or a combination of both. Monetary instruments include, but are not limited to, stocks, bonds, bank drafts, cheques and traveller's cheques.

What is proof of sufficient funds for travel?

Travelers visiting the United States from a foreign country must be able to prove to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer that they have sufficient funds, i.e., credit card, cash, travelers' checks, money order to cover travel, lodging, entertainment, meals, etc. to be admitted into the United States.