Do you need cash in Roatan?
Do you need cash in Roatan? The Lempira is the official currency of Honduras but US dollars accepted throughout Roatan and can be used in most parts of the island. Credit Cards can also be used in larger stores and restaurants, but not all. It's a good idea to have smaller denominations in US Dollars for arrival (making getting change easier).
Can you flush toilet paper in Roatan?
It is true. At the hostel, all over Roatan, Honduras and Central America, toilet paper is normally discarded in the garbage can after you've wiped, not down the toilet. Most places are plumbed with septic systems, not advanced sewage systems, so nothing can go down them except human waste.
Can you drink tap water in Roatan?
Is the drinking water safe to drink? Tap water is not recommended to drink in Honduras. All good restaurants and hotels will provide purified water or use purified water in food preparation. Purified water can be bought easily throughout the country.
How much is the exit fee at Roatan Airport?
Departure Tax: All passengers leaving Roatan from the airport must pay a departure tax, $39.12 for visitors, $36.72 for foreign residents and 45 lempiras for Hondurans.
How many murders on Roatan?
In the past 12 months there were 18 murders on Roatan, one foreigner, (the cruise ship employee) and 17 Honduran citizens.
Is tipping customary in Roatan?
Tipping is expected in Roatan's restaurants. However, inspect your bill to see if you've already been charged for “Servicio.” If so, no extra tip is necessary. Although if you feel the service was excellent, then feel free to add more. If “Servicio” is not included in the bill, tip 10% or more.
What do you wear to Roatan Honduras?
Light and Comfortable Clothing If you're wondering what to wear in Roatan Honduras, the answer is light, cute and comfortable clothing. Roatan's climate, with its warm temperatures and high humidity, can make heavy or restrictive clothing very uncomfortable during outdoor activities and sightseeing.
What is the best currency to use in Roatan?
Currency in Roatan The Lempira is the official currency of Honduras but US dollars accepted throughout Roatan and can be used in most parts of the island. Credit Cards can also be used in larger stores and restaurants, but not all.
Is Roatan worth it?
It is the safest place to visit in Honduras. It's also very close to the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, which is the second largest barrier reef in the world behind the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It's a diving mecca and great for snorkelers. You can swim out to the reef from the beach.
Are there sharks around Roatan?
And when you dive Roatan, Honduras you have a chance of seeing at least 10 shark species such as hammerheads, nurse sharks and silky sharks. Shark sightings on dives in Roatan are occasional at best. If you want an (almost) guaranteed encounter with sharks, then you want to do the Roatan Shark Dive.
Is the tap water safe on Roatan Honduras?
Roatan, Honduras is an island with over 100,000 residents and because the tap and well water systems are contaminated, their drinking water comes in plastic bottles delivered via diesel trucks.
Why is Roatan so expensive?
The reality is that Roatan is an island, and almost everything consumed here is imported. Our food, products and supplies had to undergo a much longer journey to make it to our happy island, and therefore that drives up the price of just about everything.
How much is a water taxi in Roatan?
Because of the island's hilly topography, water taxis are quicker than cars, and will cost you $3 per person each way. They normally need minimum three people to go, so if it's just two of you and you don't want to wait, it will be $5 per person, or $10 in total.
What is the best way to pay in Honduras?
ATMs are the most common way for travelers to exchange money in Honduras, and most cities have multiple banks with ATMs, many of them operating 24 hours. BAC, Unibanc, and Banco Atlántida are the most reliable and are compatible with a variety of networks, including Cirrus, PLUS, Visa, and MasterCard.
Do you tip in Honduras?
It is common to be expected to tip the service you receive whilst eating in a restaurant also. A tip of around 10% is acceptable for good service.
What celebrities live in Roatan Honduras?
The Bay Islands and Roatan are popular destinations today for many vacationers, including some rather famous people. The islands in the area are popular for celebs such as Christopher Lambert, Richard Gere, Michael Douglas, and Cameron Diaz.
Do you have to tender in Roatan?
If your day in port coincides with another ship's arrival, you might be docked, or you might need to tender to shore. Usually, Royal Caribbean cruise ships dock while Norwegian cruise ships tender when they coincide at Port of Roatan.
How much cash do you need in Roatan?
If you don't want to deal with currency exchange or taking money out of an ATM during your Roatan trip, you could theoretically bring all of your cash in USD along with you. For a 7-day trip, I would bring at least $700-1,000 USD, with the assumption that you'll have some left over.
How do you pay for things on Roatan?
You can use your credit cards in Roatan and you can pay with them in most of the hotels and restaurants on the island. Some smaller restaurants and shops only accept cash, so make sure to have cash when visiting these spots. You can also pay for large excursions with a credit card in Roatan.
How safe is Roatan right now?
Many friends or tourists who want to visit and know Roatan, Honduras ask us if it is safe to travel? Our answer is YES. In general, Roatan is a safe island, however, theft can be an issue, as it is in many tourist areas.