Do you need Canadian money in Niagara Falls?

Do you need Canadian money in Niagara Falls? Most establishments in Niagara Falls Canada take or accept American money and American debit and credit cards. However, it is best to change your American currency to the Canadian dollar to get a better exchange rate. US currency is accepted at most hotels, attractions and restaurants in Niagara Falls Canada.

Is it better to use cash or card in Canada?

Use the credit card instead of cash wherever possible. Credit card issuers typically charge fees for international transactions and you may get the best exchange rate and fees lower than those associated with exchanging cash.

Do you need a passport to cross the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls?

Do American Citizens need a passport to enter Niagara Falls, Canada? Yes. A Passport (or a Passport Card or Enhanced Driver's License if coming by land) is required for crossing the border into Canada unless you are age 15 or younger. Please visit the government website for any further details.

What do I need to go to Niagara Falls Canada?

Do American Citizens need a passport to enter Niagara Falls, Canada? Yes. A Passport (or a Passport Card or Enhanced Driver's License if coming by land) is required for crossing the border into Canada unless you are age 15 or younger. Please visit the government website for any further details.

How long is the Niagara boat ride?

The 20-minute Voyage to the Falls boat tour will take you on the journey of a lifetime!

Can you walk on the Rainbow Bridge without a passport?

Can I walk across the Rainbow Bridge without a passport? No. Rainbow Bridge, despite its unusual location, still functions as a regular border crossing. Therefore, if you want to have a walk on the bridge, or use it to visit Canada, you need a valid passport with you.

How long does it take to walk across Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls?

Crossing the bridge takes around 15 minutes, but count at least 15 minutes to pass through customs at each end (more at busy times). The pedestrian walkway is accessible for wheelchairs and strollers.

What documents do I need to enter Canada?

All international travellers must carry acceptable identification and a valid visa (if necessary) when entering Canada. A passport is recommended because it is the only reliable and universally-accepted travel and identification document for the purpose of international travel.