Do you need bug spray for Road to Hana?

Do you need bug spray for Road to Hana? Bug Spray - Mosquitos love Hana tourists. Charged Cameras - Many photo opps await you! Full Gas Tank - You most likely won't need a whole tank, but just in case. Respect for the land & people - A crucial component to everyone's happiness.

Are bugs a problem in Maui?

Once upon a time, insects like mosquitoes, centipedes, and house flies did not exist on Maui. However, as people fell in love with Maui and decided to stay here permanently, horrific creatures came along hiding in shoes, carpets, and clothes. Ever since, these creatures also claimed permanent residence in paradise.

How bumpy is the Road to Hana?

The roads can get a little dicey, especially if you're starting from the Seven Sacred Pools. The highway can get extremely narrow, bumpy, and turn into a one-lane road. Not to mention the local goats that have free reign. These little guys can surprise you if you're not careful.

What I Cannot bring to Hawaii?

  • Pineapple and bromeliad plants and fruits.
  • Passion fruit plants and seeds.
  • Cruciferous root vegetables (radish, turnip, daikon, horseradish, rutabaga)
  • Corn on the cob.
  • Citrus and pulpy fruits from Florida & Puerto Rico.
  • Taro and dasheen.
  • Coconuts.

Where do you go to the bathroom on the Road to Hana?

After the Keanea arboretum, you can take a left and drive down into Wailua. There is a public park there with restrooms. There are restrooms at Pua`a Ka`a Wayside Park, parking on the left. The Halfway to Hana store has port-a-potties.

Do you need sneakers for Road to Hana?

Wear a pair of sneakers you don't mind getting wet along the hiking trails and also a pair of flip flops or sandals for the beach. A lot of Road to Hana is wet and misty, so leave those white tennis shoes at home! (Bonus: bring some plastic bags to wrap your wet/muddy shoes in).

What is the scary part of the Road to Hana?

One of the main dangers on the Road to Hana is the narrow and winding nature of the road itself. The road is only two lanes wide, and it winds through the rainforest, with sharp turns and steep drop-offs. There are also many one-lane bridges along the route, which can be difficult to navigate.

Do you get carsick on Road to Hana?

Tip 2: Take nausea medicine. I have a friend who took medicine before going on the Road to Hana and her group still had to turn back because she got so sick. Getting motion sickness is pretty common along this fairly wind-y road so if you can prepare in advance, that will help immensely.