Do you need a wet suit for the Narrows?

Do you need a wet suit for the Narrows? In the early spring and late fall months, neoprene socks, pants or bib overalls, or a wetsuit may be necessary to hike in the river.

What is the best month to do the Narrows?

The Narrows is a popular hike through the knee-deep Virgin River. Due to cold water temperature and high water levels, the trail is closed in winter and spring. The best time to hike The Narrows is from late May to October, but watch out for summer thunderstorms that can cause deathly flash floods.

Can you wear shorts in the Narrows?

Layers: The temperatures in the Zion Narrows can be much cooler than the rest of the park. In fact, we were surprisingly cold during most of the hike. Your bottoms are definitely going to get wet so we recommend wearing shorts or a bathing suit on the bottom.

Should I hike the Narrows bottom up or top-down?

The Bottom-Up Route is Perfect if: You are hiking with kids. You want to experience the Narrows but only want to hike a few miles. It's late in the year, the water is cold, and there is limited daylight, so you do not have enough time to hike from the top-down. You are a beginner hiker.

Is the Narrows hike worth it?

This section is known as Wall Street. The canyon walls can be just 30 feet wide. TURNAROUND POINT: Some people chose to go as far as Wall Street and then turn around, making it a six-mile round trip hike. If you have the energy to see it, it's well worth the effort.

Can you do the Narrows in one day?

Sixteen mile trips through the Virgin River Narrows, from Chamberlain's Ranch to the Temple of Sinawava, can be done as a very long single-day hiking trip, or as a single overnight backpacking trip. Multi-night backpacking trips through the Virgin River Narrows are not permitted.

What time is best to do the Narrows?

Best time of day to hike the Narrows If you are only looking to do a small portion of the Narrows, then we recommend visiting in the late afternoon when it has warmed up a bit. The big rush tends to be in the morning as the people who want to hike the furthest start early.

Can a beginner hike the Narrows?

In general, most adults with a moderate fitness level will be fine and enjoy this activity. So if you're a beginner wanting to do the Zion Narrows day hike, don't worry! It can seem intimidating, but so long as you don't have difficulties getting around on a typical hike, you will be fine.

How do you survive a flash flood in the Narrows?

Even climbing a few feet may save your life. Remain on high ground until conditions improve. Water levels usually drop within 24 hours. Despite the forecast, flooding is possible at any time, and floods have occurred on days they were not expected.

How cold is the water in the Narrows?

In the early spring and late fall months, neoprene socks, pants or bib overalls, or a wetsuit may be necessary to hike in the river. Average spring and fall water temperatures range from 41° to 53° Fahrenheit (5° to 12° Celsius). Winter: A neoprene wetsuit or dry suit with warm layers may be needed.

How deep is the water at the Narrows?

Even at 50 cfs, the water can be up to 5 feet deep in some places, so time your hike for days when the water level is below 50 cfs if you can. Also, check at the visitor center about the possibility of flash-flooding. If there's even a remote chance of flash-flooding, DO NOT HIKE THE NARROWS.

What do you wear to the Narrows?

You can rent special shoes and socks for The Narrows here. Quick-dry clothing — be sure to wear clothing that will dry quickly. Synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, or spandex work well. Don't wear cotton!

Can you hike the Narrows without waders?

Outfitter stores, such as Zion Outfitter, in the gateway town of Springdale, rent shoes, socks, and walking sticks. In the winter, they rent waders. We've seen plenty of people without the rented gear doing the hike, so it's not necessary. However, I think it is super helpful and I definitely recommend it.

How many hours is the Narrows hike?

The Narrows stretches for 16 miles but that's if you hike top-down. Most people hike between 2-6 hours on the Narrows hike when starting at the bottom (~6 miles round trip). Since the Narrows hike is an in-and-out trail, whatever mileage and time you put in hiking in, you have to do out.

How late can you hike the Narrows?

The hiking season for the Zion Narrows is typically summer and autumn, but the start of the season is controlled by the spring runoff and water levels. The Zion Narrows is typically closed to hiking between mid-March and late May, depending on how much snow fell on the high country in winter.