Do you need a waterproof backpack for the Narrows?

Do you need a waterproof backpack for the Narrows? Waterproof protection is especially important if you plan to carry a camera on your hike. Though it is not expected that your backpack will be submerged during your hike it can happen! Having the proper protection for your equipment will provide peace of mind during your experience in the Narrows!

Can you hike the Narrows without getting wet?

A hike through The Narrows requires hiking in the Virgin River. You must get your feet wet since there is no trail. Most people choose to start their hike from the Temple of Sinawava via the Riverside Walk and then walk upstream before turning around and hiking back down to the Temple of Sinawava.

Can you wear shorts in the Narrows?

Layers: The temperatures in the Zion Narrows can be much cooler than the rest of the park. In fact, we were surprisingly cold during most of the hike. Your bottoms are definitely going to get wet so we recommend wearing shorts or a bathing suit on the bottom.

Can beginners hike the Narrows?

Can a Beginner do the Zion Narrows Day Hike? Yes, beginner hikers can absolutely do the Zion Narrows day hike! Even if you don't have much hiking experience, you will be perfectly fine hiking the Narrows.

Should I bring camera to the Narrows?

If you have a spare camera, you might consider bringing it along instead of your main one. Although I brought my main camera, there were a few times that I would have preferred a backup instead. In terms of equipment, the most important gear to bring is a wide-angle lens.

Can you do the Narrows in one day?

Sixteen mile trips through the Virgin River Narrows, from Chamberlain's Ranch to the Temple of Sinawava, can be done as a very long single-day hiking trip, or as a single overnight backpacking trip. Multi-night backpacking trips through the Virgin River Narrows are not permitted.

Do I need a dry bag for the Narrows?

Dry Bag, a must-have for hiking The Narrows in Zion! I'll put it this way… I will never do a water hike without carrying a dry bag for my camera gear.

Are there bathrooms on the Narrows hike?

At the Temple of Sinawava shuttle stop, there are water fill stations and bathrooms. Make sure to use the restrooms here. If you do need to go pee in The Narrows it is better to do it in the water than on the shore. If you need to go #2 while in The Narrows you MUST pack it out.

How long of a hike is the Narrows?

Suitable for most hikers, the Narrows Bottom-Up hike can be as much as a 10-mile round-trip or as little as the 2-mile round-trip of the paved Riverside Walk. To see Wall Street, hikers must travel a minimum of 6 miles round-trip, 4 miles of which is in and along the Virgin River.

Where do you pee when hiking the Narrows?

Pee - Whenever possible, pee directly into the flowing water of the river. The smell of your urine, on land, will persist for months. At the very least, carry a ziplock bag to pack out your toilet paper. Water – There is reasonable water for drinking almost every step of The Narrows – literally.

Can you hike the Narrows without waders?

Outfitter stores, such as Zion Outfitter, in the gateway town of Springdale, rent shoes, socks, and walking sticks. In the winter, they rent waders. We've seen plenty of people without the rented gear doing the hike, so it's not necessary. However, I think it is super helpful and I definitely recommend it.

Is it better to hike the Narrows in the morning or afternoon?

Best time of day to hike the Narrows The big rush tends to be in the morning as the people who want to hike the furthest start early. By the afternoon, the lower sections are quieter and warmer, which makes for a more enjoyable hike.

How early should I get to the Narrows?

When Is the Best Time to Hike the Narrows? Start early in the morning to watch as the canyon walls light up with the sunrise. We started our hike around 9 AM and the river was mostly shaded thanks to the height of the canyon walls.

How do you use the bathroom in the Narrows?

At the Temple of Sinawava shuttle stop, there are water fill stations and bathrooms. Make sure to use the restrooms here. If you do need to go pee in The Narrows it is better to do it in the water than on the shore. If you need to go #2 while in The Narrows you MUST pack it out.