Do you need a passport for TSA PreCheck?

Do you need a passport for TSA PreCheck? All travelers, including TSA PreCheck® enrollees, must have a REAL ID or other acceptable form of identification (e.g., passport) in order to fly once TSA is enforcing the REAL ID requirement at airports. To obtain a REAL ID, contact your state's driver's licensing agency.

What is the international version of TSA PreCheck?

Global Entry provides expedited U.S. customs screening for international air travelers when entering the United States. Global Entry members also receive TSA PreCheck® benefits as part of their membership.

What does TSA consider valid forms of identification?

Valid Photo ID Unexpired photo ID card issued by the federal government or by a State or outlying possession of the U.S. This must include a federal agency, State or State agency seal or logo (such as a State university ID). Permits are not considered valid identity documents (such as gun permits).

How do I upgrade my TSA PreCheck to international?

You can't upgrade from TSA PreCheck to Global Entry Even if you already have TSA PreCheck, you must apply for Global Entry separately. There is no way to get an automatic upgrade from TSA PreCheck to Global Entry. You must complete the Global Entry application documents and then make an interview appointment.

Does TSA PreCheck help with international flights?

Yes. TSA PreCheck® is available when you depart from a U.S. airport to a foreign country, and for domestic, connecting flights after you return to the United States. If you travel internationally four or more times a year, consider enrolling in Global Entry instead of TSA PreCheck®.

Does TSA PreCheck work 100% of the time?

If I am TSA PreCheck® eligible, am I guaranteed expedited screening? No, TSA uses unpredictable security measures, both seen and unseen, throughout the airport. All travelers will be screened, and no individual is guaranteed expedited screening.

How long does it take to get TSA PreCheck approved?

Most applicants receive approval notification in 3-5 days, though some applications can take up to 60 days. Considering this, applicants are encouraged to renew at least 60 days prior to expiry. TSA will notify members with eligibility results. How much does TSA PreCheck® renewal cost?

Can you go through TSA PreCheck without an ID?

If your identity cannot be verified, you will not be allowed to enter the screening checkpoint.

Can you travel without a passport internationally?

The American Citizen Services Section wants to remind all U.S. citizens not to travel outside the United States without a valid U.S. passport. While dual citizens may be able to travel abroad with alternative documentation, all U.S. citizens are required to present a U.S. passport to re-enter the United States.

Can you use a Social Security card for TSA PreCheck?

Can I use my Social Security card for TSA PreCheck? A Social Security card is not an identification document currently accepted for TSA PreCheck applications.

Can I come back to the US without a passport?

All U.S. citizens need U.S. passport books if re-entering by air. Land and sea border crossings accept additional travel documents, such as U.S. Passport cards and Trusted Traveler cards. Child travelers have additional options - see the Traveling with Children section.

What makes you not eligible for TSA PreCheck?

The TSA PreCheck® Application Program is only open to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals and lawful permanent residents. Applicants may be ineligible due to incomplete or false application information, certain violations of federal security regulations, or disqualifying criminal offenses and factors.

How much does TSA PreCheck cost 2023?

The application fee for TSA PreCheck® is $78 for 5 years.

Is TSA PreCheck difficult to get?

Google search traffic for “TSA Precheck” is around its highest level in five years. Most TSA PreCheck applicants must complete an online application, and get approved within three to five days of their in-person enrollment appointment, on average. However, it can take 60 days or longer, the TSA said.

Is TSA PreCheck easier than Global Entry?

Applying for Global Entry is more of a hassle than TSA PreCheck. Here's why: Passport: You must already have a valid passport to apply for Global Entry. Getting a passport comes with its own costs and paperwork.