Do you need a car if you live in Tokyo?

Do you need a car if you live in Tokyo? Public transport in metropolitan areas and even suburbs is your best choice. However, if you live out in the countryside, having a car is almost mandatory if you want to get anywhere, unless you like hiking or biking for hours. Or if you need a car or a van for your work, then it's a no brainer.

Why is Tokyo so walkable?

There are a few exceptions, but more than 95 percent of Japanese streets have no street parking at all, even during the day. This, rather than any beautiful architecture, explains why Tokyo's streets feel so pleasant to walk down, or indeed to look at. There are no cars filling them up.

Is Tokyo an English friendly city?

As I explained, if you're visiting as a non-Japanese speaker, you'll generally have no trouble finding someone who speaks English in restaurants, hotels, and public transport in big cities like Tokyo or tourist cities like Kyoto.

Is Tokyo a walkable city?

Tokyo, although vast and essentially unknowable, can be a walkable city. Not all of it of course. If you walked from Koiwa to Ome, for example, it would probably take a few days. But central Tokyo is explorable and the things you find out when walking in the world's biggest city are profound and unforgettable.

Is Uber available in Japan?

Yes, there is Uber in Japan Locals tell us that although Japan does have Uber, it's not super well-known and it's definitely not the most convenient option when it comes to traveling around the more sprawling places in Japan, namely cities like Kyoto or Tokyo.

How do you get around Tokyo without a car?

Subways and trains are the best way to get around Tokyo. A prepaid Suica or Pasmo card is the BEST way to pay for transport. You can buy a Suica card online for pickup at the airport. Taxis are excellent but rather expensive.

Is Tokyo friendly to tourists?

One of the first things you'll notice during your Japan travel trip is how incredibly welcoming Japanese are towards foreigners (thank you Japan!). They are well known for their politeness and deep rooted traditions, so they definitely don't expect travellers to know all the social faux pas right off the bat.

Is it hard to drive in Japan as a foreigner?

Driving in Japan can be quite complicated and expensive. Those who cannot read the language will have trouble understanding road signs. Highway tolls are assessed at about US $1 per mile. City traffic is often very congested.

Can I use Uber in Tokyo?

However, in Tokyo, you'll notice that using the Uber app for rides isn't as common as you'd think. In short, yes, you can use Uber in Tokyo, but mostly to hail a taxi. But, more often than not, stopping a random taxi on the street might be faster (and cheaper) than requesting a taxi via the ubiquitous app.