Do you have to tap off Vancouver transit?

Do you have to tap off Vancouver transit? Tap the card reader when you enter the bus. You do not need to tap out of the bus. If paying with coins, put exact change into the farebox. Enter at the front of the bus and, when possible, exit at the rear.

Is BC Transit cash only?

If you aren't using a fare product such as a pass or ticket, you'll need to pay with cash. Please pay the required fare with correct change.

How does the Skytrain work?

It uses mostly Advanced Light Rapid Transit (ALRT) technology, an automated rail system that operates mainly on a raised guideway, although some sections run underground or at street level.

Does anyone drive the SkyTrain in Vancouver?

SkyTrain uses the world's third-longest cable-supported transit-only bridge, known as SkyBridge, to cross the Fraser River. With the opening of the Evergreen Extension on December 2, 2016, SkyTrain became the longest rapid transit system in Canada and the longest fully automated driverless system in the world.

What happens if you forget to tap off on GO Transit?

Missed Tap Off Cost If you don't have a default set on your card and you forget to tap off at the end of your trip, you'll be charged the fare to the last stop on the train line or bus route and with your fare type and any applicable loyalty discounts applied.

What happens if you dont tap your card off the bus?

If you don't tap off, your card will be charged the maximum fare.