Do you have to pay to use the toilet in Germany?

Do you have to pay to use the toilet in Germany? In Germany, many lavatories at service stations on the Autobahn have pay toilets with turnstiles, though as in France, customers typically receive a voucher equal to the toilet fee. Elsewhere, while public toilets may not have a set fee, it is customary to provide change to restroom attendants for their services.

Do they use toilet paper in Germany?

While Europeans do use toilet paper, WCs may not always be well stocked. If you're averse to the occasional drip-dry, carry pocket-size tissue packs (easy to buy in Europe) for WCs sans TP.

Do you have to pay for public toilets?

In the United States, public restrooms are generally available free of charge in most public places, such as parks, libraries, government buildings, restaurants, and retail stores. It is common for businesses and public facilities to offer restroom access as a courtesy to customers and visitors without requiring a fee.

Should I tip in Germany?

Tipping isn't mandatory in Germany. Instead, it's seen as a gesture of appreciation for a good experience. A tip is always welcome, but in Germany, it's usually based directly on the quality of service. If you're satisfied, leaving a tip is a way to show it.

Are there squat toilets in Germany?

Squat toilets are generally non-existent in Northern and Western Europe. France and Italy are an exception and have some squat toilets remaining in old buildings and public toilets because they used to be the norm there in the early 20th century.

Which country has the cleanest toilets?

Tokyo, Japan When it comes to Tokyo's public toilets, it's safe to say that they are the world standard. Not only are the facilities extremely clean, but they also boast technological advancements. For one, their bidets have multiple buttons to adjust water pressure and angle.