Do you have to pay to park at Ashdown Forest?

Do you have to pay to park at Ashdown Forest? Ashdown Forest has introduced paid parking on all our car parks. For some years we have experienced increasing numbers of visitors and decreasing levels of funding.

Do you have to pay for New Forest car parks?

We operate public car parks in towns and villages in New Forest. There is a charge for parking at most of these car parks. The charge time for most of these car parks is 8am to 6pm every day including bank holidays. We also operate car parks in coastal areas.

Is Ashdown Forest open access land?

Covering over 10 square miles, Ashdown Forest is one of the largest open access areas in Southeast England.

Who lives in Ashdown Forest?

Living in the Forest There are more than 700 'commoners' – people who have ancient rights, such as grazing animals or wood cutting, attached to their land or property. In addition, there are many more residents with access tracks that cross the Forest to reach their homes, and lots of small businesses.

Can you walk around Ashdown Forest?

There are ten walks of 2-3 miles to choose from and, for the more adventurous hikers, there is a 14 mile circular route which visits the iconic Scots Pine clumps across the Forest. The walks leaflets and Forest map are available from the Forest Centre or can be downloaded HERE.

Are there toilets in Ashdown Forest?

There are public toilets and a wheelchair-accessible toilet (no hoist) at the Forest Centre.

Where is Winnie the Pooh Woods?

The Hundred Acre Wood is based specifically on an area of Ashdown Forest known as the Five Hundred Acre Wood. People still visit Ashdown Forest to walk the areas featured in Winnie-the-Pooh stories.

How do I pay for car parking on Ashdown Forest?

  1. To buy an Ashdown Forest parking pass:
  2. Step 1 – Click on the button below.
  3. Step 2 – Register an account.
  4. Step 3 – Login using the details emailed to you.
  5. Step 4 – Go to “My Account” to add additional vehicles and your payment card. ...
  6. Step 5 – Click on “Apply for Permit” and choose the pass you need.