Do you have to pass a background check to go on a cruise?

Do you have to pass a background check to go on a cruise? Much like a hotel or plane, cruise lines in the U.S. are not required by law to do criminal background checks, or block passengers who may be registered sex offenders. Cruise ships are often called floating cities with droves of people in close quarters for a week long excursion.

Can I bring a vape on a Carnival Cruise?

Vaping on Carnival cruises is strictly limited to specific exterior deck areas and designated casino/night club spaces. Guests who are found to have ignored this policy could face a hefty fine.

Can I go on a cruise to Mexico with a DUI?

Mexico. Mexico can refuse entry if you have had a DWI in the past 10 years.

Do cruise lines have jails?

If you wonder whether cruise ships have jails, the answer is yes. Jails are called brigs on a cruise ship and tend only to be used in serious circumstances when no other options are available. Cabin arrest is typically used before the brig is needed. Find out more about us here.

Do cruises have jails?

If you wonder whether cruise ships have jails, the answer is yes. Jails are called brigs on a cruise ship and tend only to be used in serious circumstances when no other options are available. Cabin arrest is typically used before the brig is needed.

Can I go on a cruise with a criminal record?

If you've committed only minor offenses, you likely won't have a problem, but be honest about anything on your criminal record. You might also be asked to submit documentation to explain your convictions.

What documents do you need to check in on a cruise?

Necessary cruise documents include acceptable official forms of identification, proof of your booking number and boarding information, and confirmation that you aren't ill. You must present these upon arrival at the port.

Is cruise security strict?

You will need to pass through an x-ray machine and have your carry-ons scanned, but the process is not as rigorous as at the airport. (You likely won't need to remove your shoes, for example.) Then you'll enter a large open space with roped-off lines and check-in stations.

What does cruise security check?

Cruise ship security involves walking through a metal detector to ensure that you have no prohibited items on your person and having your bags scanned through an X-ray to ensure that you aren't bringing prohibited items such as irons or alcohol aboard.

Can you use your Social Security for a cruise?

Voter registration cards or Social Security are not considered proof of citizenship. If the child is a newborn and the actual birth certificate has not arrived from the Vital Records Department, we will accept a hospital issued birth certificate.

Can you go on a cruise with a pending felony?

You may need to stay within the jurisdiction where the case is pending, as your departure could signal to the authorities, your bail bond agent, and the court that you are a flight risk.

Which cruise lines hire felons?

Yes, Carnival hires felons. Carnival does run an extensive background check on all new hires before onboarding.

Can I go on a cruise with a misdemeanor?

The short answer is: just about anywhere. It's easier to explain where you can't cruise with a felony or other criminal conviction. The major cruise destinations that might not allow you into their countries if you have a criminal record are Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

What can prevent you from going on a cruise?

This includes both minor and serious crimes like theft, assault, manslaughter, dangerous driving, and possession of illegal substances. In other words, the DUI you got 10 years ago when you were young and dumb may be enough to keep you from even boarding a cruise ship bound for the Great White North.

Can I travel to the Caribbean with a criminal record?

Caribbean. Most Caribbean nations, excluding Jamaica, will not limit entry for those with criminal records. But Jamaica will not allow those with a felony conviction to enter their country. Given the differing treatment, it's best to research a destination's country-specific laws and regulations before traveling there.