Do you have to cover tattoos at Disney?

Do you have to cover tattoos at Disney? Do Disney cast members with visible tattoos have to cover them up while working at the theme parks? Yes, Disney cast members are required to cover any visible tattoos while they are working in the theme parks. This includes both tattoos on the face and body.

Can Disney employees wear eyeliner?

Eye Makeup: If mascara is worn, it should be applied lightly in shades of black or brown. The Disney Look does not include eye shadow, eye liner or false eyelashes. Lipstick: Lipstick, if worn, should be applied lightly and should complement your appearance.

Is makeup allowed at Disney?

You Can Bring Makeup to Disney Parks While there is nothing on the Disney website regarding make up, we recommend having it in clear plastic containers so it is easily identifiable when bags are screened at security.

Does Disney allow visible tattoos?

According to the Disney cast member handbook, visible tattoos that are no larger than an extended hand are permitted except for any on the face, head, or neck.