Do you have to be a millionaire to live in Monte-Carlo?

Do you have to be a millionaire to live in Monte-Carlo? Do we have to be a millionaire to move to Monaco? Even though Monaco has the highest concentration of millionaires* in the world, you don't have to be one to live there. Apart from real estate, which remains the most expensive in the world, the cost of living is more or less the same as in neighbouring French cities.

Can a normal person live in Monaco?

The Monaco permanent residency card (Carte de Sejour) allow applicants to live in Monaco indefinitely. Permanent residency is granted on the basis of demonstrating proof of accommodation and proof of financial self-sufficiency.

Can you live in Monaco without being rich?

In order to become a resident, applicants must rent or purchase a property here, and deposit and maintain at least 500,000 euros into a bank registered in Monaco.

Can you live in Monaco without speaking French?

French is the official language of the Principality of Monaco, English and Italian are also widely spoken and understood. Some people, including students, speak the original Monegasque language.