Do you get sharks off Tenerife?

Do you get sharks off Tenerife? Tenerife's underwater world is full of life, and divers can expect to encounter a range of marine animals, including stingrays, moray eels and schools of colourful fish. The island is also home to several species of sharks, including the awe-inspiring whale shark.

Is there jellyfish in Tenerife?

Pelagia noctiluca - Luminescent jellyfish Very common in the open water around the Canary Islands. Approaches the coastline especially during the summer.

Is it safe to swim in the sea in Canary Islands?

Near the island, predators such as sharks are very rare visitors, and the same goes for stinging jellyfish. In general, the water in Tenerife is safe for swimming, but it's still important to take precautions. Don't forget sunscreen even on cloudy days.

Is the sea warm in Tenerife?

The graph below shows the range of monthly Santa Cruz de Tenerife water temperature derived from many years of historical sea surface temperature data. The warmest water temperature is in September with an average around 74.7°F / 23.7°C. The coldest month is March with an average water temperature of 66.6°F / 19.2°C.

Is the sea clean in Tenerife?

Besides, the quality of the sea water around the Canary Islands is excellent and their beaches are regarded as open air spas. This is why they have been awarded a large number of blue flags, the European eco-label which guarantees the water is clean and meets environmental criteria as well as certain other standards.

Is it safe to walk around Tenerife?

Don't Walk at Night The highest amount of crime occurs at night in Tenerife due to local teenagers and illegal immigrants who are roaming the area. Avoiding walking alone, and opt for taking a taxi if you're going to travel or explore the area.

Is it safe to swim in the ocean in Tenerife?

The water on the coast of Tenerife is not particularly warm, but you can still swim, even during the winter months. On the other hand, the lower water temperature (due to cold currents) provides excellent natural protection from dangerous sea creatures.

Is it safe to walk in Tenerife at night?

Avoid walking alone at night: It is best to avoid walking alone at night in Tenerife, as it can be dangerous. Have travel insurance: Make sure to have travel insurance before visiting Tenerife, as it can help cover any unexpected medical expenses or other costs.

Are spiders common in Tenerife?

2010). To date there are 513 spider species recorded, most of them endemisms (65%) and only 17 introduced (3%) (Gobierno de Tenerife 2017). The highest richness is reached on the island of Tenerife (278 species) while Lanzarote, with 98 species, harbours the lowest number of spider species (Fig. 1).

Are sharks common in Tenerife?

Sharks. Tenerife and Gran Canaria are one of the few remaining locations with a substantial population of angelsharks. It is quite a common sight while snorkeling. The basking shark, a harmless plankton feeder, visits the island in large groups during the winter, but is rarely seen.

Is it OK to drink tap water in Tenerife?

Most of Tenerife drinking tap water comes from desalinated sea water and doesn't have a good taste, it's fine for bathing or washing clothes, etc. For drinking, tea, coffee or ice always use bottled water. Some people experience upset tummies and other digestive problems that possibly are caused by the tap water.

Are Tenerife beaches safe?

Due to its position and exposed nature, Tenerife is often hit with strong trade winds. Coupled with the ferocity of the Atlantic Ocean, Tenerife can see very strong waves which can be incredibly dangerous to even the most advanced swimmer.

What should I be careful about in Tenerife?

Safety Tips to Avoid Petty Crime Keep your belongings secure at all times and avoid leaving them unattended, particularly on beaches or in public areas. Be cautious when using public transportation, as theft is common.