Do you get sea urchins in Greece?

Do you get sea urchins in Greece? 7. Sea urchins. Of course, sea urchins should not be overlooked — they are usually found on more remote beaches even in Greece.

Is it safe to swim in Greece?

The Greek sea is not dangerous but you never know, especially if you are not a prompt swimmer. Better go where the locals go, just to avoid any water wells, urchins or jellyfish. Pay extra attention when the beach is pretty remote or if you go for a night swim.

Does Spain have sea urchins?

While they’re not something that make most mouths water, sea urchins are a delicacy in southern Spain, and February is prime season for the spiny creatures.

Do sea urchins bite?

Some sea urchins “bite,” and a few have venomous bites. Unlike a sea urchin sting, a bite does not leave spines behind. Sea urchins may also trigger allergic reactions that can range from mild to potentially deadly. People with a history of allergic reactions to bites or stings may be more vulnerable.