Do you get drug tested while being a flight attendant?

Do you get drug tested while being a flight attendant? DOT - As a flight attendant, a safety-sensitive designated position, you are subject to drug testing developed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration.

What Gcses do you need to be a flight attendant?

Most airlines expect you to have a grade 4 or above in English and maths GCSE. There are a few requirements to becoming a member of an airline's cabin crew. You need to be over 18, have a decent level of fitness and be able to pass a medical check.

Do flight attendants age faster?

Scientists have done the math, and it turns out that frequent fliers actually age the tiniest bit more quickly than people with both feet on the ground. But not to worry, the difference is so small, you don't have to worry about extra wrinkles.

What kind of drug test do airlines use?

This is lab-based test with a urine specimen and tested at a lab certified by the Federal Government. The results of the FAA drug test must always be reviewed by a medical review officer (MRO). Employers often ask about the pre-employment FAA drug test upon return to the job after an extended absence or furlough.

What age are most flight attendants?

The average flight attendant age is 49 years old. The most common ethnicity of flight attendants is White (59.0%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (15.8%), Black or African American (10.2%) and Asian (7.6%). Flight attendants are most in-demand in Los Angeles, CA.

Can you use CBD as a flight attendant?

Flight attendants are being warned to steer clear of popular CBD products, even if they contain very low levels of THC, because consuming these products could result in a positive drug test which would lead to their termination.

What drugs can flight attendants not take?

If you aren't sure whether your medication falls into one of these categories, you should check with your AME:
  • Tranquilizers, such as but not limited to Valium, Librium, Ativan.
  • Most antidepressants. ...
  • Opiates, such as Morphine, Codeine, Lortab, Percodan, Oxycontin.
  • Muscle relaxants, such as Soma, Sonata, Flexeril.

Do flight attendants get paid well?

Average Flight Attendant Pay vs. Flight Attendants earned an average salary of $62,280 in 2021.

Do flight attendants have to pass a test?

They must pass a background test and have a vision level for which they can correct to at least 20/40. You may also have to meet other requirements set by the specific airline. For example, some airlines may require flight attendants to be a certain height or not have tattoos or piercings.

What happens if you fail airline drug test?

You are strongly encouraged to review your company policy. Violation of your airline's rules may lead to disciplinary action. You may also be permanently barred from working as a flight attendant if you violate the DOT testing standards.

What is the most difficult thing of being a flight attendant?

I find dealing with difficult passengers consistently challenging. It can be challenging to provide excellent customer service in the face of a disruptive passenger, but I've learned how to defuse situations and provide exceptional service despite these challenges.

What disqualifies you from working as a flight attendant?

Aviation Authority Background Check: (FAA / CAA etc)
Certain previous convictions such as crimes involving an aircraft or any violent crime, felony or time spent in jail would prevent you from being able to work as a Flight Attendant. What is this?

Do flight attendants get hired easily?

Steps to Take to be a Flight Attendant
It's difficult and can take a long time. Airlines can take 3-6 months to get through the hiring process, that's if your resume makes it through the first cut. Intense Competition. We estimate there are 1 – 1.5 million flight attendant applications for 5,000 – 10,000 jobs.

Can flight attendants have tattoos?

Per the airline's guidelines, visible tattoos aren't allowed while wearing the flight attendant uniform, even if covered by makeup, jewelry or a bandage. The policy prohibits tattoos in areas visible while wearing the cabin crew uniform, such as the face, ears, hands, wrists and neck.

What is the best age to become a flight attendant?

At some airlines, the minimum age requirement to be a flight attendant is 18, but for most, it's 20-21. As a flight attendant, age is just a number. You can be too young to be a flight attendant but not too old if you are in good shape and can work long hours and do some heavy lifting.

What test do flight attendants take?

A cabin crew aptitude test is a series of psychometric tests used by airlines to ensure they only hire flight attendants with the relevant set of strengths and skills. Before taking any aptitude tests, you'll need to fill out an online application form detailing your experience, education and personal information.

Is the life of a flight attendant good?

Flight attendants have unique and interesting jobs. They work long hours, often in difficult and cramped conditions. But they also get to see the world and meet new people. It's a challenging and rewarding career and one that is full of surprises.