Do you always have to wear a helmet?

Do you always have to wear a helmet? Summary: There is no federal law in the U.S. requiring bicycle helmets. The states and localities below began adopting laws in 1987. Most are limited to children under 18, but there are 49 all-ages laws, broken out on our all-ages page.

What happens if you get caught without a helmet UK?

What is the penalty for not wearing a motorcycle helmet in the UK? Motorcyclists caught not wearing a crash helmet could either receive an official warning or a fine of up to £500. Not only is riding a motorcycle without wearing a crash helmet illegal, but it is also extremely dangerous.

Where is helmet necessary?

Most states have some laws that require a rider and their passenger to wear helmets. Some states, such as Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, New Mexico, Utah, and Maine, require riders and passengers ages 18 and under to wear a helmet.