Do Weasleys become rich?

Do Weasleys become rich? Yes. They became wealthy when Fred and George settled down. Weasley's Wizards Wheezes was a huge hit in Diagon Alley. People would buy things from far off, thanks to the excellent delivery system.

Is Harry richer than the Weasleys?

Ron Weasley frequently complained that all of his belongings were second-hand. His school supplies, robes, and even his pet had once belonged to his older brothers. On the other hand, Harry Potter was rich with more gold than he knew what to do with. This contributed to Ron's feelings of jealousy towards Harry.

Are the Weasleys pure-blood?

The Weasleys We finish on a family who are technically quite pure-blood, but are deemed 'blood traitors' by various peers, and seem proud of it. It is, indeed, the Weasleys' compassion and morals that led to several members marrying half-bloods, Muggle-borns, etc.