Do trains run from Toronto to Niagara Falls?
Do trains run from Toronto to Niagara Falls? Weekday & Weekend Niagara GO Trains And now it's even easier to skip the traffic and take GO Transit for your trip. We've added a third weekend round-trip and new weekday trains between Toronto and Niagara Falls, and we've lowered the cost of our weekend GO+WEGO combo tickets.
What is the best month to visit Niagara Falls?
The best time to visit Niagara Falls is June to August. Summer is peak season, and with good reason: Average highs rest in the low 80s. Mists and breezes from the waterfalls can make the area feel cooler.
How far is Niagara Falls from train station?
2 miles The distance between Niagara Falls Amtrak Station and Niagara Falls State Park is 2 miles.
Can I take a taxi from Niagara Falls to Canada?
Serving Niagara Falls and surrounding areas, Canada and beyond. Service to and from Buffalo Niagara International Airport for $55 each way.
What is the cheapest way to get to Niagara Falls from Toronto?
The bus, which takes about two hours, is the most affordable way to get to Niagara Falls. Lines like Megabus offer tickets starting at $20 each way. Their buses are quite comfortable and offer free Wi-Fi.
Do I need Canadian money for Niagara Falls?
Most establishments in Niagara Falls Canada take or accept American money and American debit and credit cards. However, it is best to change your American currency to the Canadian dollar to get a better exchange rate. US currency is accepted at most hotels, attractions and restaurants in Niagara Falls Canada.
How many days in Toronto is enough?
To see and experience all that is Toronto, you should plan a stay of at least a week (preferably in spring, summer, or fall -- winters can be bitter, though no worse than a winter in New York City). If you're here for a short period, you need to plan carefully so you don't miss the must-see sights.
How do you get around Niagara Falls without a car?
Are there shuttles in Niagara Falls? Yes, there are shuttle services available in Niagara Falls, particularly on the Canadian side, that provide transportation to various attractions and hotels in the area. These shuttle services are designed to make it easier for tourists to get around without the need for a car.
Is the Niagara shuttle free?
Park Free, Ride Free You can catch our shuttles at many stops that offer free parking. These stops include Whirlpool State Park, Gorge Discovery Center, Niagara Power Vista, and Niagara Falls Train Station/Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center.
What is the easiest way to get to Niagara Falls?
Situated along the U.S./Canadian border, Niagara Falls State Park welcomes travelers from around the world. To reach Niagara Falls State Park, most visitors simply fly into the Buffalo Niagara International Airport (BUF) or drive in on Interstate 90.
How much is the entrance fee to Niagara Falls?
It's always free to walk into Niagara Falls State Park to see the Falls, and it's open 365 days a year! What many people are happy to discover, however, is that along with this majestic natural wonder, the Niagara Falls tours and activities that you can enjoy inside the park provide hours of added fun!
Is 1 day enough to see Niagara Falls?
Sure, you could visit Niagara Falls in one quick, rushed day, but it is better experienced with a two day stay (or longer).