Do Thalys trains run on time?

Do Thalys trains run on time? All trains run on time in 98% of the cases and are equipped with WiFi, air-conditioning and power sockets, the seats are spacious and provide enough legroom. A bar and bistro restaurant where you can purchase snacks and drinks are also a standard on Thalys trains.

Why is the Thalys so expensive?

A typical example is Thalys, which has a monopoly of high-speed trains between Paris and Amsterdam. Due to its monopoly, it can ask high prices for tickets. Thalys sells tickets for the highest prices per kilometre in Europe.

Do I need to print Thalys ticket?

No need to print an email or take a ticket with you! With your smartphone, you can have a e-Ticket. In addition, the mobile site and the Thalys app enable you to access all of your e-Tickets reservations and traffic information for saved, upcoming journeys.

Can you take luggage on Thalys?

If there is no weight limit, you must be able to carry and stow your belongings yourself in the various baggage areas on board Thalys: luggage racks above the seats. luggage racks at the end of each carriage for larger items. free space on the floor between back-to-back seats.

Can you bring food on Thalys?

Bring your own food and wine on board and have a picnic on the train. The departure boards will not show which platform (quai) will be used until about 20 minutes before departure, so there is not much point in being there earlier. Seats are allocated when you buy the tickets.

Do I need to arrive early for Thalys train?

Boarding Thalys It should only take a couple of minutes, but when joining Thalys in Paris it's best to arrive at least 15-10 minutes before your train.

How early to get to Gare du Nord for Thalys?

Aim to be at Gare Du Nord a minimum of 15 min before departure if you will be taking a THALYS train; all Thalys passengers now have to pass through security checks. Prior to the confirmation of the specific voie (platform/track) that a Thalys service will be departing from, you can join the queue for Thalys departures.

Does Thalys run every day?

Thalys runs 10 times a day to Paris and from Friday until Monday directly from Amsterdam to Disneyland Paris and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

How early should you be for a Thalys train?

Boarding Thalys It should only take a couple of minutes, but when joining Thalys in Paris it's best to arrive at least 15-10 minutes before your train.

Do they check tickets on Thalys?

Two inspections are carried out for each passenger. The first inspection is performed when boarding the train by the platform staff. The Train Manager then ensures, once on board, that you indeed have a valid ticket for the train boarded.

Do they check ID on Thalys?

Your ticket will be requested during inspections before boarding and once on board. An identity document may be requested to check the accuracy of your ticket or during a random customs inspection.

Do trains run late in Paris?

As a general rule: Sunday through Thursday, the last train arrives at the end of the line at 1:15 a.m. at the latest. Friday, Saturday and the night before public holidays, the last train arrives at the end of the line at 2:15 a.m. at the latest. The first morning trains start their runs at 5:30 a.m.

Is Thalys better than Eurostar?

What's the difference between Eurostar and Thalys? There is no difference - Eurostar and Thalys are now one under the Eurostar name. Our high-speed trains link the UK to France, Belgium and the Netherlands via the Channel Tunnel. And we also run high-speed trains connecting Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

Are French trains usually on time?

The percent of French SNCF trains that arrive with a delay of less than 15 minutes is at 87%, according to a study released in 2022 (read here about it in French). So 13% of French trains are delayed by 15 minutes or more. This represents an increase in lateness over the decades since the 1950s.

How early should you arrive for a train in France?

You should arrive at the train station from 30 – 60 minutes before the departure time of your train. In Gare Bordeaux-Saint-Jean, arriving 30 minutes prior to your train's departure is plenty.

How reliable are French trains?

The French rail network is superb, and traveling by train is often just as quick as driving, generally very reliable and quite reasonably priced. Better still, you don't have to worry about parking, traffic, motorway tolls, or any unexpected breakdowns. Unfortunately, public transport in more rural areas can be patchy.

Does Thalys sell out?

Pass holder seats on Thalys are limited. They sell out before the train is full.

Can I bring my own food on Thalys?

Bring your own food and wine on board and have a picnic on the train. The departure boards will not show which platform (quai) will be used until about 20 minutes before departure, so there is not much point in being there earlier. Seats are allocated when you buy the tickets.

What items are forbidden on Thalys?

Unusual goods such as perishable foods that spread an unpleasant odor, or plants. Dangerous goods knives, firearms, explosives, flammable liquids (petrol, paint, etc.) and all other hazardous (chemical, biological, etc.) products.

Is Thalys a bullet train?

Yes, the Thalys high-speed train is a modern bullet train which runs in 4 European countries (France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands), connecting 17 cities.