Do rental cars have speed trackers?

Do rental cars have speed trackers? The short answer is yes, most rental cars do have some form of tracking device on them. However, the type and purpose of these devices vary depending on the rental company and their policies.

Does Hertz know if you speed?

“Over the last couple of years, our use of tracking devices has grown,” said Richard Broome, spokesman for Hertz, an AirIQ customer. Hertz activates the devices, which are mostly on luxury cars, only “if we suspect a vehicle has been stolen,” he said, and does not otherwise track renters' speed or location.

How do you smoke in a rental car without it smelling?

How to Smoke in Your Car Without it Smelling
  1. Make sure your air conditioner/heater is pulling in air from the outside. ...
  2. Keep your window cracked and hold your cigarette near the window to draw out the majority of the smoke.
  3. Using an e-cigarette can also allow you to smoke while avoiding the traditional smoke smell.

How do Hertz know if you smoke?

A Hertz employee must either: Witness the customer smoking in a vehicle, or. Find evidence of smoking, such as ashes, cigarette butts or burns, or. Smell smoke within the vehicle.