Do people in Spain speak German?

Do people in Spain speak German? German: 1.22% of residents in Spain speak German, while 0.11% are native speakers. Arabic: 0.73% of the population speak Arabaic, 0.63% call the language their mother tongue. Russian: 0.3% speak it, 0.1% are native Russian speakers.

What percent of Spain speaks English?

The following are the most common foreign languages spoken in Spain: English: 11.7% of the population speak English, while 0.42% call it their mother tongue. French: 5.85 % speak French, with 1.36% native speakers. Romanian: 2.78% of the population speak the language, and 2.69% call it their mother tongue.

Is Spanish hard to learn for English speakers?

4. Spanish. Although Spanish is a Romance language rather than a Germanic language, it's fairly easy for English speakers to learn because many English words stem from Latin. Spanish also uses the same alphabet as English, and many of the words are pronounced just as they are spelled.

Do you tip in Spain?

Tipping in Spain works differently: The customer actually has the option to not leave any tip at all. However, restaurants expect a 10% tip on each bill—although it's not a formal rule, and that percentage is much lower than tipping practices in other countries.