Do people dress up in Krakow?

Do people dress up in Krakow? Dresscode. Most bars in Krakow have a very relaxed dress code. The clubs in the Old Town however are more strict and it varies from no sports gear to full suit and tie. So it's always best to check ahead, as the door selection is usually unforgiving.

Can you walk around Auschwitz on your own?

Individual visitors may tour the Memorial independently or in organised groups with a guide-educator. Entrance to the Museum, to both Auschwitz I and Birkenau parts, is possible only with a personalized entry pass booked in advance. Reservations can be made at or on the spot at the cashier.

What is the dress code in Krakow?

However, it's wise to bring a light jacket for sitting outside bars later in the evening. Layering is always a good idea, so pack some long-sleeved tops and sweaters to go along with your jeans. In summary, the Krakow dress code is predominantly casual, allowing you to enjoy the nightlife with ease and comfort.

Is tipping expected in Krakow?

In urban areas such as Warsaw and Krakow, which are used to serving tourists, tipping at restaurants is almost expected. Tip approximately 10% for good service and 15% for phenomenal service.

Do they have a cafe at Auschwitz?

Consuming food is prohibited on the memorial grounds. Refreshments are not offered during your visit to Auschwitz, but you can visit the cafeteria in Auschwitz I camp for a quick bite. There are paid toilets available in both Auschwitz I and Birkenau concentration camps.

Is it rude not to tip in Poland?

The average tip is around 10-15% of the cheque. Tipping is not obligatory, you can tip whoever you want to show that the service was good. Don't forget to tip tour guides and drivers too, but only if you are happy with the service they have provided.

What shoes to wear to Auschwitz?

Wear comfortable shoes: You will be doing a lot of walking in Auschwitz, so wear comfortable, closed shoes that will allow you to move around the site easily. Bring water and snacks: Auschwitz Birkenau is a large site, and you may be walking and exploring for several hours.