Do millennials or Gen Z travel more?

Do millennials or Gen Z travel more?

More than half of Gen Zers are already frequent travelers
As Gen Zers age and grow in spending power, they will likely outpace travel-happy millennials. Surveys conducted Dec. 14, 2022-Feb. 20, 2023, among 738 to 2,052 U.S. adults, with an unweighted margin of error of up to +/-4 percentage points.

Do Gen Z travel more?

More than half (52 percent) of Gen Z adults are considered frequent travelers, meaning they take at least three leisure trips over the previous year (Morning Consult Pro)

Is Gen Z the most active generation?

When you picture generations who are active, you might picture Gen Z with their longboards, or Millennials playing pickleball, and Gen X running, but the generation that is the most active? Baby Boomers.

Which generation spends the most on travel?

Drilling into the survey data shows that on average, baby boomers and those age 65+ spend the most on travel. They have the highest percentage of travelers who spend at least $3,000-$5,000 (12%), and also the highest percentage that spend between $2,000 and $3,000 (11%).

Who likes to travel more?

That is, women are statistically and actually much more likely to travel than men. The average U.S. traveler is a 47-year-old woman. And whether women travel with their partners, their families, friends, solo or in groups, 80% of all travel decisions are made by women.