Do lubed condoms set off airport security?

Do lubed condoms set off airport security? If you are traveling with multiple condoms for a trip to Cancun, it is advisable to spread them out across your bags to avoid arousing suspicion. Be aware that any kind of lubricant, even if it's inside a condom package, will be considered a liquid and must be placed in a resealable bag for inspection.

How do you pack lube for travel?

A small toiletry bag will work well. When packing lube packets, it's important to double-check that the packets are sealed. You don't want any of the lube to leak out and ruin your other belongings. It's also a good idea to pack the lube packets separately from other liquids, such as shampoo or perfume.

Is lube considered a liquid?

Personal lubricant or lube is a liquid or gel that is used to reduce friction and irritation during sexual activity.

Do condoms show up on airport xray?

Nope, the foil packages will show up on the x-ray but the techs know what they are. So they ignore them. No one will look at you and say you are too young to have condoms, unless your mother finds them. No one else cares if you have condoms and there is no law stating an age to buy them in most places.

Why is it called the 3 1 1 rule?

It's called the 3-1-1 rule because your liquids must be no more than 3.4 ounces (that's the 3), they have to fit into 1-quart bags (there's the 1) and you're only allowed one (that's the final 1) of the bags.

How do you hide condoms when traveling?

Where to store your condoms: 5 best places
  1. A small coin purse: great for keeping condoms handy on the go. ...
  2. A toiletry bag.
  3. An unused cosmetic bag.
  4. In your tampon box/case (who would look in there!)
  5. In a side pocket of your backpack. ...
  6. Inside a sock, in your sock drawer. ...
  7. A hollowed-out book.