Do live sand dollars wash up on a beach?

Do live sand dollars wash up on a beach? But living sand dollars are covered with tiny gray or purple spines that make the animals look fuzzy, Seaside Aquarium said. Once sand dollars wash ashore, they can survive only a few minutes, according to The Oregonian.

How do sand dollars wash up on shore?

Living just below the surface of the sand, Dendraster is protected from ordinary swells and waves. But winter storms churn the sand and wash the hapless sand dollars onto the beach, where they strand and will suffocate unless they can return to safety under water.

Is it illegal to keep a live sand dollar?

In most states, taking a living sand dollar from the beach is illegal. However, laws vary about collecting a dead sand dollar. It's best to check for signs at the beach, look at your state laws online or ask a lifeguard or warden working at the beach.

Why are there so many sand dollars on the beach?

As it turns out, the conditions at Ocean Beach provide a “perfect storm” for sand dollar populations to thrive. Rich local currents bring in loads of nutrients for sand dollars offshore, where they live for around a decade. When sand dollars die, they dislodge from the bottom of the ocean.