Do Irish buses have bathrooms?

Do Irish buses have bathrooms? Usually there are no toilets on board Bus eireann buses. On long journeys (3-4 hours) there is a comfort stop halfway for 10-15mins, where you can go to the toliet and get some coffee and food.

Does the bus from Belfast to Dublin have a toilet?

The vehicles are fully accessible with onboard lift and wheelchair space, have free Wifi and an onboard toilet, whilst each reclining leather seat has two USB connections.

Do Irish buses have toilets?

Usually there are no toilets on board Bus eireann buses. On long journeys (3-4 hours) there is a comfort stop halfway for 10-15mins, where you can go to the toliet and get some coffee and food.

Can you use the bathroom on a bus?

Yes. I've used one two times (I travel by bus with my family sometimes- I usually travel by plane or by car). I used them when I needed to pee so bad and I couldn't hold it anymore.

What must we not do in a moving bus?

Stay in your seat and face forward: never stand on a moving bus. Keep noise level down and do not distract the driver (no yelling or shouting). Do not throw anything on the bus or out the window. Keep hands and feet to yourselves.