Do I need cash in St Croix?

Do I need cash in St Croix? Credit cards are accepted at most establishments. If you prefer to use cash, there are many ATMs located around the island.

How do you stay safe in St. Croix?

We suggest that you use the same precautions you would whenever you are in an unfamiliar place: don't carry a lot of cash with you (there are plenty of ATM's on the island to resupply as you go), lock your doors at night, don't leave any valuables in your vehicle or on any beach unattended, don't walk into dark areas ...

Can you swim in St. Croix beaches?

St. Croix is ringed by beaches of all shapes and sizes, some are long white sand stretches, others are small patches shaded by low sea grape trees and towering coconut palms. Some have smooth sandy bottoms ideal for swimming, and others have rock and coral-lined entries perfect for snorkeling!

How do people dress in St. Croix?

Life in the Caribbean is very laid back and the island dress code is pretty casual even in high season. Cotton clothes are the preferred style for comfort. Men usually do not wear ties or jackets and no one bothers with raincoats. During the day, shorts and sleeveless blouses or tees are the norm.

Do you tip taxi drivers in St. Croix?

Tipping is the same as the US or Europe - 15% of your restaurant check, more if service has been exceptional. An extra dollar or two for your taxi driver is fine, more if he/she handles bags or conducts a good island tour. Being thoughtful and considerate is appreciated anywhere in the world.

Do you tip in St. Croix?

Croix are very friendly and will go out of their way to ensure your time on St. Croix is memorable. A big tip is a way to thank someone for their outstanding service. Not giving a tip is a very strong way to let someone know they did not provide good service.

Does St. Croix take credit cards?

Because it is a U.S. territory, the currency used on St. Croix is the U.S. Dollar. Credit cards are accepted by most St Croix businesses, however, there are still quite a few small businesses that only accept cash.

Can you wear red in St. Croix?

*It's illegal to shoot missiles at parade participants. --In St. Croix, you can't wear red in public... against the outdated law!

Can I use my debit card in the U.S. Virgin Islands?

As a U.S. territory, the currency is the U.S. dollar. Automated teller machines (ATMs) can be found throughout all three islands. Most establishments accept credit cards and traveler's checks. The most widely accepted credit cards are Visa and MasterCard.

Is there Uber in St. Croix?

There are no Uber, Lyft, or other ride-share companies operating on St. Croix. There are a number of taxi options, and the best drivers are better found by referral than listed.

Is St Croix expensive?

On average, prices are about 20% more than in the states. Gas prices for our vehicles is comparable to those on the Mainland U.S. Our electricity is much more expensive. Water is inexpensive – in most cases collected in cisterns and free!

Is it OK to drink tap water in St. Croix?

The water in town and at most hotels is perfectly safe to drink. If you are in doubt simply ask. The water at most of the villas on the island is collected rain water that is stored in cisterns below the villas. It may be safe to drink, but we recommend buying bottled water for drinking purposes.