Do hotels in Spain keep your passport?

Do hotels in Spain keep your passport? Anyone who is travelling to Spain has been warned not to leave their passport at the reception of their hotel when they check-in. In Spain, hotels are legally bound to register the passport details of the tourist when they arrive.

Is it normal for Airbnb to ask for passport Spain?

As per Spanish law, accommodation providers and hosts on platforms like Airbnb and are obligated to collect specific information from their guests. This includes your full name, birth date, nationality, passport details, and the country issuing the passport.

Should I always carry my passport in Europe?

In general, across Europe, you should carry either your passport or a copy of it. You are required by law to have a valid form of identification.

Where can I hide my passport in a hotel room?

Look for a place in your hotel room where people wouldn`t think that it would be there, like under the TV or at the edge of the carpet. When the edge of the carpet can be pulled up and it is covered by furniture, people will not notice it there. When you get back after a day out, make sure to check on it immediately.

Should I give my passport number to a hotel?

Of course, handing over your personal identification can be risky, even if you're giving it to a reputable hotel with (most likely) trustworthy employees. If a hotel asks for your passport, it's most likely that it is required for you to hand it over.

Should you carry your passport with you in Paris?

All foreign visitors, including European Union (EU) nationals, must carry identification in the form of a passport or national identity card. French police may require visitors to show identification at any time, including when entering or leaving the country.

Should tourists carry passport at all times?

You should only carry your passport with you when you need it – otherwise, it should stay locked up. If you're going to take your passport with you, always keep it in a location that is hard to get to. If you carry it in your purse or travel bag, keep it zipped up in an internal pocket within your bag.

Should I keep my passport with me or in the hotel?

Consider moving around the city with your driver's license instead, and leave your passport behind in the hotel safe. A screenshot of your passport, or any other form of ID will usually suffice in most scenarios.

Why do European hotels hold passports?

They will take the details from your passport in some cases but they will return it to you immediately. The reason they take your details is so they have a record of your stay and a way to contact you or to have documents for the police just in case it becomes necessary later.

Should you keep your passport on your person when traveling?

In any event, it'll certainly take some time, and it's not going to be a particularly pleasant process. The bottom line: always, always, always keep your passport on your person or in your personal item — one that will never be gate-checked.

Should I always carry my passport in Spain?

Per Spanish laws, everyone (citizen or foreigner) in Spain must have identification documents when moving around the region. Thus, you should have your passport when leaving the hotel or rental to prove your identity.

What hotel shredded passports?

Teachers couldn't believe it when the Kancamagus Lodge Hotel in New Hampshire where the group had been staying said they had accidentally destroyed 44 passports. The group has been forced to go to the British Embassy in New York to obtain emergency travel documents, delaying their journey home by four days.

Where is the safest place to keep your passport in a hotel?

It is best that you leave it at the hotel`s safety deposit box rather than inside your room`s safe. If your hotel doesn`t have one, then you can keep it inside your hotel room. Look for a place in your hotel room where people wouldn`t think that it would be there, like under the TV or at the edge of the carpet.

Should I keep my passport on me at all times in Spain?

There is a law in Spain that tourists need to carry their passports or national ID cards with them at all times, in case they are stopped by any police force.

Do I need to keep my passport on me at all times in Spain?

If you are in Spain (no matter what country you are from), you must carry a valid ID card or passport at all times, and failure to do so could see the police detain you temporarily whilst they ascertain your identity, and furthermore, it is within their rights to issue a fine.