Do hot air balloons go up everyday in Cappadocia?
Do hot air balloons go up everyday in Cappadocia? Normally we do fly every day weather permitting. We don't fly in stormy weather or rain. About an hour or so before flight time, we do a weather check to get the information we need to plan the flight. We'll give you a call soon afterwards and let you know for that final “weather confirmation”.
Are hot air balloons in Cappadocia morning or evening?
- Our balloons begin to take off at around sunrise. - They rise approximately 1000 feet to show you sunrise and extraordinary views of Cappadocia. - Then they descend and float through the valleys, between fairy chimneys and caves which gives you excellent views to take pictures or videotape.
Is it rare for a hot air balloon to crash?
Luckily, no one was hurt. And, fortunately, hot air balloon accidents are rare. Going back to 1964, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has only recorded a total of 775 such accidents in the United States.
How many people have fallen out of a hot air balloon?
And, fortunately, hot air balloon accidents are rare. Going back to 1964, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has only recorded a total of 775 such accidents in the United States.
Should you book hot air balloon in advance Cappadocia?
WHEN SHOULD I BOOK MY HOT AIR BALLOON? Places are often sold out 3 weeks in advance, especially during the peak summer periods, therefore it's a good idea to book at least 1 month before your trip. Book for your first morning in Cappadocia so you have time to reschedule in the event of cancellations.
How often do hot air balloons fail?
Globally, there are approximately 3,000 hot air balloon accidents per year. In the United States, there are approximately 20 accidents per year.
Is hot air balloon worth it in Cappadocia?
Seeing the unique scenery of Cappadocia from the vantage point of a hot air balloon is an unforgettable experience. If you have plans to visit Cappadocia and are wondering if the hot air balloon ride is worth the high price tag, I say yes!
Can you sit down in a hot air balloon?
The majority of hot air balloons do not have built-in seating, nor can they allow portable seats for safety reasons. So you, unfortunately, will not be able to sit down during a hot air balloon ride. But railings are available, and your pilot will cover any of your additional safety concerns.
How much do you tip a hot air balloon in Cappadocia?
In general give at least 10-15% of your total cost. In some cases you may be really impressed with the service and want to give more, and in other cases you may be unhappy and want to give less. Regardless, using this 10-15% as a general rule will work well for you when you tip in Cappadocia.